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About Us

Many people contracted the Covid-19 virus during and after the recent pandemic emergency, and many people have remaining damage to their health due to lingering effects of this devastating virus. 

When the average person presents their complaints they were typically marginalized by the traditional medical community.   Our practitioners have vast experience in dealing with these lingering effects.  We know our patients are not crazy or hypochondriacs. 

We listen, form a plan, seek diagnostic tests to confirm our diagnosis, re-form the plan to help our patients to return to good health.   Additionally, we have experienced so many patients that had surgical procedures and did not have their heath optimized prior to their procedures and little or no follow-up after their procedure.  Most surgeons prepare patients with anti-biotics, but what about the rest of your body?

We have learned that optimizing your health prior to a surgical procedure ensures your best and speedy recovery. 

About Elysara

We formed Elysara to ensure patients have the best chance of recovery whether from a lifestyle of poor health, recent surgery, chronic illness, or some mystery illness that affects your life and lifestyle.  Our medical philosophy is that you cannot simply treat the medical problem, you must treat the mind (make sure you look good), you must also be given the tools for your spirit to help your recovery (make sure your treat the soul).  Good health is a combination of understanding science and mind. 

Elysara is worshipped for many reasons: by farmers for a good harvest, mothers hoping for a safe birth, and young couples for fertility. Elysara tends to watch over the young of the world and supports them as they face the challenges of life.  Elysara belongs to a mythical race of beings whose very existence is woven from the fabric of light and magic.

Elysara brings science and magic together to protect and save humanity.

Elysara's Best Assets.

These people are the keys to Elysara's success.   Each person participates in the care of our patients and clients.   Although each individual has significant experience & credentials, they act as a single team to ensure your care.   They are all great listeners, care planners and make certain that they accompany you on your journey to better heath and wellness.

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